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How many of these acids are monobasic here?
H 3 P O 2 , H 3 P O 3 , H 2 C O 3 , H 2 S O 4 , H 2 S 2 O 4 , H 2 C r O 4 , H 3 B O 3 , H N O 2

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The correct Answer is:3

To determine how many of the given acids are monobasic, we need to analyze each acid and count the number of replaceable hydrogen ions (H⁺) they contain. An acid is classified as monobasic if it can donate one proton (H⁺) per molecule.

Let's analyze each acid one by one:

1. H₃PO₂ (Phosphorous acid):
- Structure: H₃PO₂ has one hydroxyl group (–OH) and two hydrogen atoms attached to phosphorus.
- Replaceable H⁺: It can donate 1 H⁺ (the one from the –OH group).
- Classification: Monobasic.

2. H₃PO₃ (Phosphoric acid):
- Structure: H₃PO₃ has two hydroxyl groups (–OH) and one hydrogen atom attached to phosphorus.
- Replaceable H⁺: It can donate 2 H⁺ (one from each of the two –OH groups).
- Classification: Dibasic.

3. H₂CO₃ (Carbonic acid):
- Structure: H₂CO₃ has two hydroxyl groups (–OH) and can donate two protons.
- Replaceable H⁺: It can donate 2 H⁺.
- Classification: Dibasic.

4. H₂SO₄ (Sulfuric acid):
- Structure: H₂SO₄ has two hydroxyl groups (–OH) and can donate two protons.
- Replaceable H⁺: It can donate 2 H⁺.
- Classification: Dibasic.

5. H₂S₂O₈ (Peroxydisulfuric acid):
- Structure: H₂S₂O₈ has two hydroxyl groups (–OH) and can donate two protons.
- Replaceable H⁺: It can donate 2 H⁺.
- Classification: Dibasic.

6. H₂CrO₄ (Chromic acid):
- Structure: H₂CrO₄ has two hydroxyl groups (–OH) and can donate two protons.
- Replaceable H⁺: It can donate 2 H⁺.
- Classification: Dibasic.

7. H₃BO₃ (Boric acid):
- Structure: H₃BO₃ has three hydroxyl groups (–OH) but can only donate one proton.
- Replaceable H⁺: It can donate 1 H⁺.
- Classification: Monobasic.

8. HNO₂ (Nitrous acid):
- Structure: HNO₂ has one hydroxyl group (–OH) and one nitrogen atom.
- Replaceable H⁺: It can donate 1 H⁺.
- Classification: Monobasic.

Now, let's summarize the classifications:
- Monobasic acids: H₃PO₂, H₃BO₃, HNO₂
- Dibasic acids: H₃PO₃, H₂CO₃, H₂SO₄, H₂S₂O₈, H₂CrO₄

Total Monobasic Acids: 3 (H₃PO₂, H₃BO₃, HNO₂)

Final Answer:
3 monobasic acids.
