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How many of the following metals can be extracted by auto - reduction ?

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The correct Answer is:3

To determine how many of the given metals can be extracted by auto-reduction, we need to analyze each metal based on the principles of auto-reduction.

1. Understanding Auto-reduction:
Auto-reduction is a process where less electropositive metals (like copper, mercury, and lead) are extracted from their sulfide ores by heating them in the presence of air. The process involves the conversion of sulfide ores to oxides or sulfates, which then react to yield the metal.

2. Analyzing Each Metal:
- Fe (Iron): Iron is more electropositive and is typically extracted by reduction with carbon (not auto-reduction).
- Zn (Zinc): Zinc is also more electropositive and is extracted by reduction with carbon (not auto-reduction).
- Pb (Lead): Lead can be extracted by auto-reduction. The reaction involves heating lead sulfide (PbS) in air to form lead oxide (PbO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), which then reacts with remaining PbS to yield lead.
- Al (Aluminum): Aluminum is highly electropositive and is extracted by electrolysis (not auto-reduction).
- Hg (Mercury): Mercury can be extracted by auto-reduction. The reaction involves heating mercury sulfide (HgS) in air to form mercury oxide (HgO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), which then reacts with remaining HgS to yield mercury.
- Cu (Copper): Copper can also be extracted by auto-reduction. The reaction involves heating copper(I) sulfide (Cu2S) in air to form copper(II) oxide (CuO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), which then reacts with remaining Cu2S to yield copper.
- K (Potassium): Potassium is highly electropositive and is extracted by electrolysis (not auto-reduction).
- Ca (Calcium): Calcium is also highly electropositive and is extracted by electrolysis (not auto-reduction).

3. Conclusion:
The metals that can be extracted by auto-reduction from the given list are:
- Pb (Lead)
- Hg (Mercury)
- Cu (Copper)

Thus, the total number of metals that can be extracted by auto-reduction is 3.

Final Answer:
3 metals can be extracted by auto-reduction.
