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How is simple cubic unit cell formed ? Calculate the number of atoms in a simple unit cell.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Simple Cubic Unit Cell:
- A simple cubic unit cell is a type of crystal lattice where atoms are located only at the corners of the cube.
- Each corner of the cube is shared by eight adjacent unit cells.

2. Identifying the Corners:
- A cube has a total of 8 corners.

3. Contribution of Atoms from Each Corner:
- Each atom located at a corner contributes only a fraction of itself to the unit cell. Specifically, since each corner atom is shared by 8 unit cells, the contribution of one corner atom to the unit cell is 18.

4. Calculating Total Contribution from All Corners:
- Since there are 8 corners in a simple cubic unit cell, the total contribution of atoms from all corners can be calculated as:
Total contribution=8×18=1

5. Conclusion:
- Therefore, the total number of atoms in a simple cubic unit cell is 1.

- A simple cubic unit cell is formed by placing atoms at the corners of a cube.
- The total number of atoms in a simple cubic unit cell is 1.

