Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

How does the rate of a reaction depened upon the concentration of the reactants ? Give suitable example.

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(1) A Chemical reaction takes place to collisions of the reactant molecules. Higher the concentrations of the reactants more will be the quency of collisions and faster will be the rate of the reaction.
(2) In the reaction of dil .HCl and CaCO3,CaCO3 disappears slowly and CO2 also liberates slowly . On the other hand the reaction with concentrated HCl takes place rapidly and CaCO3 disappears fast.
(3) Concentrated acid reacts faster than dilute acid , that means the rate reaction is proportional to the concentration of reactants.
Slow reaction : CaCO3+dil. 2HClCaCl2+CO2+H2O
Fast reaction : CaCO3+2HClconc.CaCl2+CO2+H2O
