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Give the IUPAC names of the following
C H 3 - C H = C H - C C l C l - C l

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To determine the IUPAC name of the compound CH3CH=CHC(Cl)(Cl)(Cl), we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw the Structure
First, we need to visualize the structure of the compound based on the given formula. The structure can be represented as:


Step 2: Identify the Longest Carbon Chain
Next, we need to identify the longest continuous carbon chain in the structure. In this case, the longest chain consists of 4 carbon atoms.

Step 3: Number the Carbon Chain
We will number the carbon chain starting from the end that gives the substituents the lowest possible numbers. Here, we start numbering from the right side (where the three chlorine atoms are attached):

1. C1 (C with three Cl substituents)
2. C2 (C with a double bond)
3. C3 (C)
4. C4 (C with a methyl group)

Step 4: Identify the Parent Name
With 4 carbon atoms in the longest chain, the parent name is "but".

Step 5: Identify the Substituents
We have three chlorine atoms attached to the first carbon. The prefix for three chlorine substituents is "trichloro".

Step 6: Identify the Position of the Double Bond
The double bond is located between C2 and C3, which means it is at position 2.

Step 7: Combine All Parts
Now, we can combine all the information to write the complete IUPAC name. The substituents are listed in alphabetical order, but since they are all the same (trichloro), we can write:

Final IUPAC Name: 1,1,1-trichloro-but-2-ene

Summary of Steps:
1. Draw the structure of the compound.
2. Identify the longest carbon chain.
3. Number the carbon chain appropriately.
4. Determine the parent name based on the number of carbons.
5. Identify and count the substituents.
6. Determine the position of the double bond.
7. Combine all parts to form the complete IUPAC name.
