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Give reasons why?
Aluminium cannot be obtained by the reduction of its oxide with carbon.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Reaction: The question asks why aluminum (Al) cannot be obtained from its oxide (Al₂O₃) using carbon (C) as a reducing agent.

2. Reactivity Series: The reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in order of decreasing reactivity. Aluminum is positioned above carbon in this series.

3. Reduction Process: In a reduction reaction, a metal oxide is reduced to its metal form by removing oxygen. This is typically done using a more reactive element or a suitable reducing agent.

4. Affinity for Oxygen: Aluminum has a strong affinity for oxygen, meaning it holds onto oxygen atoms very tightly. This makes it difficult for carbon to displace oxygen from aluminum oxide.

5. Conclusion: Since aluminum is more reactive than carbon, carbon cannot effectively reduce aluminum oxide to aluminum metal. Therefore, aluminum cannot be obtained by the reduction of its oxide with carbon.

Final Answer:
Aluminum cannot be obtained by the reduction of its oxide with carbon because aluminum is more reactive than carbon, and it has a higher affinity for oxygen. As a result, carbon cannot displace oxygen from aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃) to produce aluminum.
