Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Give reasons for the following:
All solutions are homogenous mixtures of a solute in a solvent.

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Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Solutions: A solution is a mixture where one substance (the solute) is dissolved in another substance (the solvent).

2. Understanding Homogeneous Mixtures: A homogeneous mixture is defined as a mixture that has a uniform composition throughout. This means that the different components of the mixture are not distinguishable from one another.

3. Dissolving Process: When a solute dissolves in a solvent, it breaks down into individual particles (molecules or ions) that are evenly distributed throughout the solvent.

4. Uniform Composition: In a solution, the solute particles are uniformly distributed within the solvent, resulting in a consistent composition. This uniformity is what characterizes a homogeneous mixture.

5. Conclusion: Since all solutions exhibit this uniform distribution of solute in solvent, they are classified as homogeneous mixtures. Therefore, the statement "All solutions are homogeneous mixtures of a solute in a solvent" is true.

