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Give reasons for
Occurrence of characteristic properties of elements takes place at definite intervals in the modern periodic table.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Modern Periodic Table:
- The modern periodic table is organized based on increasing atomic number. Elements are arranged in periods (rows) and groups (columns).

2. Electronic Configuration:
- Each element has a unique electronic configuration, which determines how electrons are arranged around the nucleus. This configuration is crucial for understanding the element's properties.

3. Valence Electrons:
- The outermost electrons of an atom are called valence electrons. The number of valence electrons influences the chemical behavior of the element. Elements in the same group have similar valence electron configurations.

4. Characteristic Properties:
- Characteristic properties of elements, such as metallic or non-metallic nature, reactivity, and ionization energy, are largely determined by the number and arrangement of valence electrons.

5. Periodic Trends:
- As you move across a period from left to right, the number of valence electrons increases, leading to a change in properties. For example, elements transition from metals to non-metals.

6. Examples:
- For instance, in Group 1, sodium (Na) has the electronic configuration of 2, 8, 1, indicating it has one valence electron, which contributes to its metallic properties. In contrast, chlorine (Cl) in Group 17 has the configuration 2, 8, 7, indicating it has seven valence electrons, contributing to its non-metallic properties.

7. Conclusion:
- Therefore, the occurrence of characteristic properties at definite intervals in the modern periodic table can be attributed to the systematic arrangement of elements based on their electronic configurations and the resulting similarities in their valence electron counts.
