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Give one example of a fractional order reaction.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Fractional Order Reactions: A fractional order reaction is one where the overall order of the reaction is not a whole number but a fraction. The order of a reaction is determined from the rate law expression, which is derived from experimental data.

2. Example of a Reaction: Consider the reaction where carbon monoxide (CO) reacts with chlorine gas (Cl2) to form phosgene (COCl2). The balanced reaction can be represented as:

3. Rate Law Expression: The rate law for this reaction can be expressed as:
where k is the rate constant, and m and n are the orders with respect to CO and Cl2, respectively.

4. Experimental Determination: Through experimental data, it has been found that the reaction follows the rate law:
Here, the order with respect to CO is 1, and the order with respect to Cl2 is 1/2.

5. Calculating Overall Order: To find the overall order of the reaction, we sum the individual orders:
Overall Order=1+12=32

6. Conclusion: Since the overall order of the reaction is 32, which is a fractional number, this reaction is classified as a fractional order reaction.

Final Answer: An example of a fractional order reaction is the reaction between carbon monoxide (CO) and chlorine (Cl2) to form phosgene (COCl2), with an overall reaction order of 32.

