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Give a brief account of green chemistry.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution for the Question: "Give a brief account of green chemistry."

1. Definition of Green Chemistry:
Green chemistry refers to the design of chemical products and processes that aim to reduce or eliminate the generation and use of hazardous substances. It focuses on creating safer chemicals and processes.

2. Principles of Green Chemistry:
Green chemistry is guided by several principles that promote sustainability. These principles include:
- Prevention of waste
- Maximizing atom economy
- Less hazardous chemical syntheses
- Designing safer chemicals
- Energy efficiency
- Use of renewable feedstocks
- Reducing derivatives
- Catalysis
- Designing for degradation
- Real-time analysis for pollution prevention

3. Impact on Pollution Reduction:
Green chemistry has been significantly successful in reducing pollution by improving synthetic efficiency and utilizing catalysis. This means that chemical reactions can be made more efficient, resulting in less waste and fewer harmful byproducts.

4. Advancements in Solvent Technology:
Another important aspect of green chemistry is the improvement in solvent technology. Traditional solvents can be harmful to the environment, so green chemistry seeks to develop safer, more sustainable alternatives.

5. Conclusion:
Overall, green chemistry represents a proactive approach to chemical research and production, aiming to create a more sustainable and less hazardous chemical industry.
