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Draw the resonating structure of
(i) Ozone molecule (ii) Nitrate ion

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To solve the question of drawing the resonating structures for ozone (O₃) and the nitrate ion (NO₃⁻), we will follow a systematic approach.

1. Determine the Valence Electrons:
- Each oxygen atom has 6 valence electrons. For O₃, the total number of valence electrons is 3 × 6 = 18 electrons.

2. Draw the Basic Structure:
- Place one oxygen atom in the center and connect it to the other two oxygen atoms.
- Start with a double bond between the central oxygen and one of the outer oxygen atoms, and a single bond (coordinate bond) with the other outer oxygen atom.


3. Distribute the Electrons:
- The central oxygen will have 4 electrons (2 from the double bond and 2 from the coordinate bond), while the outer oxygen with the double bond will have 6 electrons (3 lone pairs), and the outer oxygen with the single bond will have 7 electrons (3 lone pairs and 1 negative charge).

4. Draw the Resonating Structures:
- The double bond can shift between the two outer oxygen atoms.
- The first resonating structure has the double bond on the left side, and the second resonating structure has the double bond on the right side.

Resonating Structure 1:

Resonating Structure 2:

(ii) Resonating Structures of Nitrate Ion (NO₃⁻)

1. Determine the Valence Electrons:
- Nitrogen has 5 valence electrons and each oxygen has 6. For NO₃⁻, the total number of valence electrons is 5 + (3 × 6) + 1 (for the negative charge) = 18 electrons.

2. Draw the Basic Structure:
- Place nitrogen in the center and connect it to three oxygen atoms.
- Start with one double bond to one oxygen and single bonds to the other two oxygens.


3. Distribute the Electrons:
- The nitrogen will have 4 electrons (2 from the double bond and 2 from the single bonds), while the double bonded oxygen will have 6 electrons (3 lone pairs), and the single bonded oxygens will have 7 electrons (3 lone pairs and 1 negative charge each).

4. Draw the Resonating Structures:
- The double bond can shift between the three oxygen atoms.
- There will be three resonating structures, each showing the double bond with a different oxygen atom.

Resonating Structure 1:

Resonating Structure 2:

Resonating Structure 3:

Summary of Resonating Structures:
- Ozone (O₃) has two resonating structures.
- Nitrate Ion (NO₃⁻) has three resonating structures.
