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Discuss the physical properties of NaHCO3

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Step-by-Step Solution: Discussing the Physical Properties of NaHCO₃ (Sodium Bicarbonate)

1. Identification of NaHCO₃:
- NaHCO₃ is known as Sodium Bicarbonate, which is commonly referred to as Baking Soda.

2. Appearance:
- Sodium Bicarbonate appears as a white crystalline solid. It is often found in the form of a crystalline powder.

3. Odor:
- It is an odorless substance, meaning it does not have any smell.

4. Taste:
- Sodium Bicarbonate has a bitter taste. This bitterness is due to its slightly basic nature.

5. Solubility:
- NaHCO₃ is soluble in water. Being an inorganic compound, it dissolves quickly when mixed with water.

6. Molecular Weight:
- The molecular weight of Sodium Bicarbonate can be calculated as follows:
- Sodium (Na) = 23 g/mol
- Hydrogen (H) = 1 g/mol
- Carbon (C) = 12 g/mol
- Oxygen (O) = 16 g/mol (and there are 3 oxygen atoms)
- Therefore, the total molecular weight = 23 + 1 + 12 + (3 × 16) = 84 g/mol.

7. Melting Point:
- The melting point of Sodium Bicarbonate is 50 degrees Celsius. This is the temperature at which it transitions from a solid to a liquid.

8. Boiling Point:
- The boiling point of NaHCO₃ is 851 degrees Celsius. This is the temperature required for it to turn into vapor.

Summary of Physical Properties:
- Appearance: White crystalline solid
- Odor: Odorless
- Taste: Bitter
- Solubility: Soluble in water
- Molecular Weight: 84 g/mol
- Melting Point: 50 °C
- Boiling Point: 851 °C

