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Define sublimation.

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Sublimation:
- Sublimation is defined as the process in which a substance transitions directly from the solid state to the gaseous state without passing through the liquid state.

2. Characteristics of Sublimation:
- During sublimation, the solid does not melt into a liquid; instead, it transforms directly into vapor.
- This process typically occurs under specific conditions of temperature and pressure.

3. Examples of Sublimation:
- Camphor (C10H16O): When heated, camphor sublimates and changes directly from solid to gas.
- Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl): Similarly, ammonium chloride sublimates upon heating, transitioning directly to gas.

4. Additional Information:
- In the case of ammonium chloride, it can also decompose into ammonia gas and hydrogen chloride gas when heated, showcasing the chemical changes that can accompany sublimation.
