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Conversion of Benzenesulfonic acid to aniline

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To convert benzenesulfonic acid to aniline, we will follow a two-step process. Here’s a detailed step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Conversion of Benzenesulfonic Acid to Sodium Benzenesulfonate

1. Starting Material: Begin with benzenesulfonic acid (C6H5SO3H).
2. Reaction with NaOH:
- Add sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to benzenesulfonic acid. This is an acid-base reaction where the acidic hydrogen from the sulfonic acid reacts with hydroxide ions from NaOH.
- The reaction will yield sodium benzenesulfonate (C6H5SO3Na) and water (H2O).

Chemical Equation:

Step 2: Conversion of Sodium Benzenesulfonate to Aniline

1. Starting Material: Now take sodium benzenesulfonate (C6H5SO3Na).
2. Reaction with NaNH2:
- React sodium benzenesulfonate with sodium amide (NaNH2). This reaction involves the removal of sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) and results in the formation of aniline (C6H5NH2).
- The reaction can be represented as follows:

Chemical Equation:

Final Product: Aniline

After completing these two steps, we have successfully converted benzenesulfonic acid into aniline.

