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Clearly state, what do you understand by the terms : mass number, nucleaons and nuclides?

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To answer the question regarding the terms mass number, nucleons, and nuclides, we can break down each term step by step.

Step 1: Understanding Mass Number
- Definition: The mass number of an atom is the total number of protons and neutrons present in its nucleus. It is denoted by the symbol 'A'.
- Formula:
Mass Number (A)=Number of Protons (Z)+Number of Neutrons (N)
- Example: For a carbon atom, which has 6 protons and 6 neutrons, the mass number is:

Step 2: Understanding Nucleons
- Definition: Nucleons are the particles found in the nucleus of an atom. They include both protons and neutrons.
- Characteristics:
- Protons carry a positive charge.
- Neutrons are neutral (no charge).
- Importance: The total number of nucleons contributes to the mass of the nucleus and thus the mass number of the atom.

Step 3: Understanding Nuclides
- Definition: Nuclides are specific types of atoms characterized by their number of protons and neutrons. Each nuclide corresponds to a particular isotope of an element.
- Characteristics:
- Each nuclide is defined by its atomic number (number of protons) and mass number (total number of protons and neutrons).
- For example, Carbon-12 (¹²C) is a nuclide with 6 protons and 6 neutrons.

- Mass Number: Total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
- Nucleons: The collective term for protons and neutrons.
- Nuclides: Specific types of atoms defined by their unique combination of protons and neutrons.
