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Calculate the bond order of O2andO22 ions on the basis of M.O. theory and explain their magnetic properties.

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The correct Answer is:A

To calculate the bond order of the ions O2 and O22 using Molecular Orbital (M.O.) theory and to explain their magnetic properties, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the Total Number of Electrons
- For O2, the total number of electrons is 16 (8 from each oxygen atom).
- For O2, it has one extra electron, so the total is 17.
- For O22, it has two extra electrons, so the total is 18.

Step 2: Write the Molecular Orbital Configuration
1. For O2 (16 electrons):
- \sigma_{1s}^2 \sigma_{1s}^*^2 \sigma_{2s}^2 \sigma_{2s}^*^2 \sigma_{2p_z}^2 \pi_{2p_x}^2 \pi_{2p_y}^2 \pi_{2p_x}^*^1 \pi_{2p_y}^*^1

2. For O2 (17 electrons):
- \sigma_{1s}^2 \sigma_{1s}^*^2 \sigma_{2s}^2 \sigma_{2s}^*^2 \sigma_{2p_z}^2 \pi_{2p_x}^2 \pi_{2p_y}^2 \pi_{2p_x}^*^2 \pi_{2p_y}^*^1

3. For O22 (18 electrons):
- \sigma_{1s}^2 \sigma_{1s}^*^2 \sigma_{2s}^2 \sigma_{2s}^*^2 \sigma_{2p_z}^2 \pi_{2p_x}^2 \pi_{2p_y}^2 \pi_{2p_x}^*^2 \pi_{2p_y}^*^2

Step 3: Count Bonding and Antibonding Electrons
- For O2:
- Bonding electrons: 10 (from σ1s,σ2s,σ2pz,π2px,π2py)
- Antibonding electrons: 6 (from σ1s,σ2s,π2px,π2py)

- For O2:
- Bonding electrons: 10
- Antibonding electrons: 7

- For O22:
- Bonding electrons: 10
- Antibonding electrons: 8

Step 4: Calculate Bond Order
The bond order is calculated using the formula:
Bond Order=(Number of Bonding ElectronsNumber of Antibonding Electrons)2

1. For O2:
Bond Order=(106)2=2

2. For O2:
Bond Order=(107)2=1.5

3. For O22:
Bond Order=(108)2=1

Step 5: Determine Magnetic Properties
- For O2:
- There are 2 unpaired electrons in the antibonding orbitals (π2px and π2py).
- Magnetic Property: Paramagnetic (due to unpaired electrons).

- For O2:
- There is 1 unpaired electron in the antibonding orbitals (π2py).
- Magnetic Property: Paramagnetic (due to unpaired electron).

- For O22:
- All electrons are paired.
- Magnetic Property: Diamagnetic (no unpaired electrons).

- Bond Orders:
- O2: 2 (double bond)
- O2: 1.5 (between a double and a single bond)
- O22: 1 (single bond)

- Magnetic Properties:
- O2: Paramagnetic
- O2: Paramagnetic
- O22: Diamagnetic
