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Both sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) and sodium sulphite (Na2SO3) are the compounds of sodium, sulphur and oxygen. By calculations prove that the quantity of oxygen in sodium sulphate is greater than that in sodium sulphite. (R.A.M. : Na = 23, S = 32, O = 16.]

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To prove that the quantity of oxygen in sodium sulfate (NaSO) is greater than that in sodium sulfite (NaSO), we will calculate the molecular weight of both compounds and then find the percentage of oxygen in each.

Step 1: Calculate the molecular weight of Sodium Sulfate (NaSO)

1. Identify the atomic masses:
- Sodium (Na) = 23 g/mol
- Sulfur (S) = 32 g/mol
- Oxygen (O) = 16 g/mol

2. Calculate the molecular weight:
- Sodium sulfate has 2 sodium atoms, 1 sulfur atom, and 4 oxygen atoms.
- Molecular weight of Na₂SO₄ = \(2 \times 23 + 32 + 4 \times 16\)
- Molecular weight = \(46 + 32 + 64 = 142 \text{ g/mol}\)

Step 2: Calculate the molecular weight of Sodium Sulfite (NaSO)

1. Calculate the molecular weight:
- Sodium sulfite has 2 sodium atoms, 1 sulfur atom, and 3 oxygen atoms.
- Molecular weight of Na₂SO₃ = \(2 \times 23 + 32 + 3 \times 16\)
- Molecular weight = \(46 + 32 + 48 = 126 \text{ g/mol}\)

Step 3: Calculate the percentage of oxygen in Sodium Sulfate (NaSO)

1. Use the formula for percentage of an element:
\text{Percentage of Oxygen} = \left(\frac{\text{Weight of Oxygen}}{\text{Total Weight of Compound}}\right) \times 100

2. Calculate for Na₂SO₄:
- Weight of Oxygen in Na₂SO₄ = \(4 \times 16 = 64 \text{ g}\)
- Total weight of Na₂SO₄ = 142 g
- Percentage of Oxygen = \(\left(\frac{64}{142}\right) \times 100 \approx 45.07\%\)

Step 4: Calculate the percentage of oxygen in Sodium Sulfite (NaSO)

1. Calculate for Na₂SO₃:
- Weight of Oxygen in Na₂SO₃ = \(3 \times 16 = 48 \text{ g}\)
- Total weight of Na₂SO₃ = 126 g
- Percentage of Oxygen = \(\left(\frac{48}{126}\right) \times 100 \approx 38.10\%\)


- The percentage of oxygen in Sodium Sulfate (NaSO) is approximately 45.07%.
- The percentage of oxygen in Sodium Sulfite (NaSO) is approximately 38.10%.
- Therefore, the quantity of oxygen in sodium sulfate is indeed greater than that in sodium sulfite.
