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Arrange oxyanions of chlorine in decreasing order of stability.

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To arrange the oxyanions of chlorine in decreasing order of stability, we will analyze the oxidation states of chlorine in each oxyanion.

1. Identify the Oxyanions of Chlorine:
The oxyanions of chlorine we need to consider are:
- ClO₄⁻ (Chlorate)
- ClO₃⁻ (Chlorite)
- ClO₂⁻ (Hypochlorite)
- ClO⁻ (Chlorine monoxide)

2. Determine the Oxidation States of Chlorine:
- In ClO₄⁻, the oxidation state of chlorine is +7.
- In ClO₃⁻, the oxidation state of chlorine is +5.
- In ClO₂⁻, the oxidation state of chlorine is +3.
- In ClO⁻, the oxidation state of chlorine is +1.

3. Analyze Stability Based on Oxidation States:
The stability of oxyanions is generally higher with a higher oxidation state of the central atom (in this case, chlorine). Therefore, we can rank them based on the oxidation states:
- ClO₄⁻ (Chlorate) with +7 is the most stable.
- ClO₃⁻ (Chlorite) with +5 is next.
- ClO₂⁻ (Hypochlorite) with +3 follows.
- ClO⁻ (Chlorine monoxide) with +1 is the least stable.

4. Arrange in Decreasing Order of Stability:
Based on the analysis, the order of stability of the oxyanions of chlorine from most stable to least stable is:
- ClO₄⁻ > ClO₃⁻ > ClO₂⁻ > ClO⁻

Final Answer:
The oxyanions of chlorine arranged in decreasing order of stability are:
ClO₄⁻ > ClO₃⁻ > ClO₂⁻ > ClO⁻
