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......... is more basic than NH3 because of ........... effect.

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To solve the question, we need to identify a compound that is more basic than ammonia (NH3) and explain why it is more basic using a specific effect.

1. Identify a Compound More Basic than NH3:
- A well-known compound that is more basic than ammonia is trimethylamine (N(CH3)3).

2. Understand Basicity:
- Basicity refers to the ability of a compound to accept protons (H+ ions). The more readily a compound can accept a proton, the more basic it is.

3. Explain the Reason for Increased Basicity:
- The increased basicity of trimethylamine compared to ammonia can be attributed to the +I (plus inductive) effect.

4. Describe the +I Effect:
- The +I effect is the electron-donating effect of alkyl groups (like the three methyl groups in trimethylamine). These groups push electron density towards the nitrogen atom.

5. Conclusion:
- Therefore, trimethylamine is more basic than NH3 because of the +I effect, which increases the electron density on the nitrogen atom, making it more capable of accepting protons.

Final Answer:
Trimethylamine is more basic than NH3 because of the +I effect.

