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With the help of suitable diagrams explain the detailed ultrastructure of a mitochondrion. How would you justify that mitochondria are genetically autonomous or atleast semiautonomous?

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Step-by-Step Solution

Step 1: Introduction to Mitochondria
- Mitochondria are microscopic, granular, and cylindrical organelles found in eukaryotic cells. They are often referred to as the "powerhouses of the cell" due to their role in energy production.

Step 2: Structure of Mitochondria
- Mitochondria are bounded by two membranes: an outer membrane and an inner membrane.
- Diagram: Draw a labeled diagram of a mitochondrion showing the outer membrane, inner membrane, intermembrane space, cristae, and mitochondrial matrix.

Step 3: Membranes of Mitochondria
- The outer membrane is smooth and serves as a barrier between the cytosol and the inner environment of the mitochondrion.
- The inner membrane is highly folded into structures known as cristae. These folds increase the surface area for biochemical reactions.

Step 4: Intermembrane Space
- The space between the inner and outer membranes is called the intermembrane space. This space plays a crucial role in the functioning of mitochondria, particularly in the electron transport chain.

Step 5: Mitochondrial Matrix
- Inside the inner membrane is the mitochondrial matrix, which contains enzymes, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and ribosomes. The matrix is where the Krebs cycle occurs, contributing to ATP production.

Step 6: Genetic Autonomy of Mitochondria
- Mitochondria are considered genetically autonomous or at least semi-autonomous because they contain their own DNA (mtDNA) and ribosomes.
- This mtDNA encodes for proteins essential for mitochondrial function, allowing mitochondria to produce some of their own proteins independently of nuclear DNA.

Step 7: Functions of Mitochondria
- Mitochondria are primarily responsible for ATP production through oxidative phosphorylation.
- They also play roles in the synthesis of various biochemicals and the regulation of cellular metabolism, including calcium storage and release.

- The ultrastructure of mitochondria, characterized by their double membrane system, cristae, and matrix, supports their function as energy producers. Their own genetic material justifies their classification as semi-autonomous organelles.


Updated on:18/9/2024

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