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Who discovered the phenomenon of transformation in bacteria and in which year?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Phenomenon: The question asks about the discovery of the phenomenon of transformation in bacteria. Transformation refers to the process where bacteria take up foreign DNA from their environment and incorporate it into their own genome.

2. Research the Discoverer: The discoverer of this phenomenon is Frederick Griffith, a British bacteriologist.

3. Determine the Year of Discovery: Frederick Griffith conducted his experiments and made his findings in the year 1928.

4. Context of the Discovery: While working with the bacterium *Streptococcus pneumoniae*, Griffith found that heat-killed virulent strains could transform non-virulent strains into virulent forms. This was a significant finding that contributed to our understanding of genetic material and horizontal gene transfer in bacteria.

5. Final Answer: Therefore, the phenomenon of transformation in bacteria was discovered by Frederick Griffith in the year 1928.

