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Which segment in earthworm bears female genital pore?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Earthworm Anatomy: Earthworms have a segmented body structure, and each segment has specific functions and features. It's important to know the general layout of the earthworm's anatomy.

2. Identifying the Female Genital Pore: The female genital pore is an important reproductive structure in earthworms. It is formed by the convergence of the oviducts.

3. Locating the Segment: The specific segment that bears the female genital pore is crucial for understanding earthworm reproduction.

4. Conclusion: After analyzing the segments, it is determined that the female genital pore is located on the 14th segment of the earthworm.

Final Answer: The female genital pore in an earthworm is located on the 14th segment.

