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Which one yields the maximum energy ?


Krebs cycle


Anaerobic respiration




Aerobic respiration

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The correct Answer is:D

To determine which process yields the maximum energy from the options provided (Krebs Cycle, Anaerobic Respiration, Glycolysis, and Aerobic Respiration), we can analyze each process step by step.

1. Understanding the Types of Respiration:
- Respiration can be classified into two main types: aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
- Aerobic respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen, while anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen.

2. Glycolysis:
- Glycolysis is the first step of both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
- It occurs in the cytoplasm and converts glucose into pyruvate, yielding a net gain of 2 ATP molecules.

3. Krebs Cycle:
- The Krebs Cycle (also known as the Citric Acid Cycle) occurs in the mitochondria and requires oxygen.
- For each molecule of pyruvate that enters the Krebs Cycle, approximately 15 ATP molecules are produced.
- Since each glucose molecule produces 2 pyruvate molecules, the total ATP yield from the Krebs Cycle per glucose molecule is 30 ATP.

4. Total ATP Yield in Aerobic Respiration:
- In aerobic respiration, the total ATP yield can be calculated as follows:
- From glycolysis: 2 ATP
- From Krebs Cycle: 30 ATP
- Total = 2 ATP (from glycolysis) + 30 ATP (from Krebs Cycle) = 32 ATP.

5. Anaerobic Respiration:
- Anaerobic respiration, which occurs without oxygen, yields only 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule.
- This is significantly lower than the yield from aerobic respiration.

6. Comparison of Energy Yields:
- Aerobic Respiration: 32 ATP
- Anaerobic Respiration: 2 ATP
- Glycolysis alone: 2 ATP
- Krebs Cycle alone: 30 ATP (but it cannot occur without glycolysis and oxygen).

7. Conclusion:
- Among the options provided, aerobic respiration yields the maximum energy, producing a total of 32 ATP molecules per glucose molecule.

Final Answer:
The process that yields the maximum energy is Aerobic Respiration.

