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Which of the following is correct for phytochrome conversion reaction









Video Solution
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The correct Answer is:C

To answer the question about the correct statement regarding the phytochrome conversion reaction, we can break down the information provided in the video transcript into a step-by-step solution.

1. Understanding Phytochrome: Phytochromes are photoreceptors in plants that are sensitive to light. They exist in two forms: Pr (phytochrome red) and Pfr (phytochrome far-red).

2. Conversion of Forms:
- Pr to Pfr: When Pr absorbs red light (around 660 nm), it is converted into the active form Pfr.
- Pfr to Pr: Conversely, when Pfr absorbs far-red light (around 730 nm), it is converted back to the inactive form Pr.

3. Physiological Activity:
- The Pfr form is considered the physiologically active form of phytochrome, which means it plays a crucial role in various plant processes such as seed germination, flowering, and shade avoidance.

4. Impact of Light:
- The conversion reactions are crucial for plants to respond to changes in light conditions. For example, exposure to red light promotes growth and development, while far-red light can indicate shading from other plants.

5. Conclusion: Based on the information, the correct statement regarding phytochrome conversion reactions is that red light converts Pr to Pfr, and far-red light converts Pfr back to Pr.

Final Answer:
The correct option regarding the phytochrome conversion reaction is Option 3: Red light converts phytochrome Pr to phytochrome Pfr, while far-red light converts phytochrome Pfr back to phytochrome Pr.

