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Which genotype and phenotype is a result of aneouploidy in sex chromosomes ?


22 pairs + XXY male




22pairs +XXXY female


22 pairs +Y female

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The correct Answer is:A

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Aneuploidy:
- Aneuploidy refers to a condition where there is an abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell. Specifically, it involves the gain or loss of one or more chromosomes, but not a complete set. This can lead to various genetic disorders.

2. Identifying the Relevant Chromosomes:
- In humans, sex chromosomes determine the biological sex. Males typically have one X and one Y chromosome (XY), while females have two X chromosomes (XX).

3. Analyzing the Given Options:
- The question provides several genotypes:
- 22 pairs + XXY male
- 22 pairs + XX female
- 22 pairs + XY female
- 22 pairs + Y female

4. Evaluating Each Option:
- Option 1: 22 pairs + XXY male
- This indicates a male with an extra X chromosome. This is a classic example of aneuploidy (specifically Klinefelter syndrome).
- Option 2: 22 pairs + XX female
- This represents a normal female (no aneuploidy).
- Option 3: 22 pairs + XY female
- This is incorrect because XY indicates a male, not a female.
- Option 4: 22 pairs + Y female
- This is also incorrect, as the presence of a Y chromosome indicates a male.

5. Conclusion:
- The only genotype that results from aneuploidy in sex chromosomes is 22 pairs + XXY male. The phenotype associated with this genotype is that of a male with Klinefelter syndrome, which may include features such as reduced fertility, breast tissue development, and taller stature.

Final Answer:
- The genotype resulting from aneuploidy in sex chromosomes is XXY (Klinefelter syndrome), and the phenotype is that of a male.

