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What part of plants is best suited for making virus-free plants, and why?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Plant Part: The part of the plant that is best suited for making virus-free plants is the apical meristem.

2. Understanding Apical Meristems: Apical meristems are regions of actively dividing cells located at the tips of roots and shoots. These tissues are responsible for the growth in length of the plant.

3. Virus-Free Nature: Apical meristems are considered virus-free tissues. This is because most viruses cannot infect these rapidly dividing cells. The environment and conditions of growth in these areas do not support viral replication.

4. Culturing Virus-Free Plants: Due to their virus-free status, apical meristems can be cultured in vitro (in a controlled environment) to produce virus-free plants. This technique is widely used in plant tissue culture.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, apical meristems are the best choice for producing virus-free plants due to their inherent resistance to viral infections and their ability to grow rapidly.

