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what is true


hygrophytes have isobilateral astomatic leaves


hygrophytes have aerenchyma


most of hygrophytes have hydathodes


xerophytes have more lenticels but thin cuticle.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:c

To determine which statement is true regarding hydrophytes and xerophytes, let's analyze each option step by step.

1. Evaluate the first statement: "Hygrophytes have isobilateral or stomatic leaves."
- Analysis: Hydrophytes typically have leaves with stomata for gas exchange, but they do not have isobilateral leaves. Therefore, this statement is false.

2. Evaluate the second statement: "Hygrophytes have aranchyma."
- Analysis: Aranchyma, which refers to a type of tissue with large air spaces, is actually absent in hydrophytes. Thus, this statement is also false.

3. Evaluate the third statement: "Most of hygrophytes have hydathodes."
- Analysis: Hydathodes are indeed present in most hydrophytes and are responsible for the secretion of water, particularly in aquatic plants. This statement is true.

4. Evaluate the fourth statement: "Xerophytes have more lenticels but thin cuticle."
- Analysis: Xerophytes typically have a thick cuticle to prevent water loss and do not have more lenticels; in fact, they often lack lenticels altogether. Therefore, this statement is false.

The only true statement among the options provided is: "Most of hygrophytes have hydathodes."
