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What is the function of ATP?

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify ATP: ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. It is a molecule that plays a crucial role in energy transfer within cells.

2. Energy Carrier: ATP is known as the energy-carrying molecule in all living cells. This means it is responsible for storing and providing energy that cells need to function.

3. Chemical Energy Capture: One of the primary functions of ATP is to capture chemical energy. This energy is obtained from the breakdown of food substances during cellular respiration.

4. Energy Release: After capturing the chemical energy, ATP releases this energy when needed. This release of energy is essential for carrying out various cellular processes.

5. Cellular Processes: The energy released by ATP is used in several cellular processes, including glycolysis (the breakdown of glucose), the electron transport chain (a series of reactions that produce ATP), and other metabolic pathways that are vital for the cell's operation.

6. Conclusion: In summary, the function of ATP is to capture chemical energy from food breakdown and release it to power various cellular processes.
