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What is the difference between greenhouse effect and global warming?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Greenhouse Effect:
- The greenhouse effect is a natural process where certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere trap heat from the sun. This is similar to how a greenhouse works, where sunlight enters but cannot escape, leading to a warmer environment inside.

2. Mechanism of the Greenhouse Effect:
- Sunlight reaches the Earth and warms its surface. Some of this heat is reflected back into space, but greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) absorb and re-radiate this heat, preventing it from escaping. This process keeps the Earth's temperature at a level suitable for life.

3. Definition of Global Warming:
- Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities, primarily the emission of greenhouse gases. It is a consequence of the enhanced greenhouse effect, where the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases significantly.

4. Relationship Between Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming:
- While the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon essential for maintaining life on Earth, global warming is an alarming result of human-induced increases in greenhouse gases. As more greenhouse gases are released, particularly CO2 from burning fossil fuels, the Earth's temperature rises, leading to global warming.

5. Consequences of Global Warming:
- The rise in temperature due to global warming leads to various environmental issues, such as melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and extreme weather conditions. These changes can have severe impacts on ecosystems and human societies.

Summary of Differences:
- Greenhouse Effect: A natural process that warms the Earth by trapping heat from the sun.
- Global Warming: The increase in Earth's average temperature due to the excessive accumulation of greenhouse gases, primarily from human activities.
