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What is the criterion for classification of organisms as belonging to kingdom Monera or Protista?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Kingdom Classification:
- Organisms are classified into different kingdoms based on certain criteria. Two of these kingdoms are Monera and Protista.

2. Criteria for Classification:
- The primary criteria for classifying organisms into these two kingdoms are:
- Presence or Absence of a Well-Defined Nucleus:
- Monera: Organisms in this kingdom do not have a well-defined nucleus. They are classified as prokaryotes.
- Protista: Organisms in this kingdom have a well-defined nucleus and are classified as eukaryotes.
- Presence or Absence of Membrane-Bound Cell Organelles:
- Monera: These organisms lack membrane-bound cell organelles.
- Protista: These organisms possess membrane-bound cell organelles.

3. Comparative Analysis:
- Monera is considered more primitive compared to Protista.
- Monera organisms are simpler in structure (prokaryotic), while Protista organisms are more complex (eukaryotic).

4. Conclusion:
- In summary, the criterion for classification of organisms into the kingdom Monera or Protista is based on the presence or absence of a well-defined nucleus and membrane-bound cell organelles. Monera consists of prokaryotes, while Protista consists of eukaryotes.
