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What is cell division?

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Text Solution
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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Cell Division:
Cell division is a biological process through which a single parent cell, known as the mother cell, divides to produce two or more daughter cells.

2. Purpose of Cell Division:
The primary purpose of cell division is to enable growth, development, and repair of tissues in an organism. It is also essential for reproduction in unicellular organisms.

3. Types of Cell Division:
There are two main types of cell division:
- Mitosis: This type of division results in two genetically identical daughter cells, maintaining the same number of chromosomes as the mother cell.
- Meiosis: This type of division occurs in the formation of gametes (sperm and eggs) and results in four genetically diverse daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosomes of the mother cell.

4. Characteristics of Daughter Cells:
The daughter cells produced through cell division will have their own characteristic features, which can be identical to the mother cell (in mitosis) or varied (in meiosis).

5. Importance of Cell Division:
Cell division is crucial for various biological processes including growth, tissue repair, and reproduction. It ensures that genetic information is accurately passed on to the next generation of cells.
