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What is fertilization membrane ? How it is formed ?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Fertilization Membrane:
- The fertilization membrane is a protective layer that forms around the egg after fertilization. It is characterized by its resistant nature, which helps to protect the fertilized egg.

2. Formation of Fertilization Membrane:
- The fertilization membrane is formed through a process involving the vitelline membrane, which is the outer layer of the egg.
- After the sperm fertilizes the egg, the vitelline membrane undergoes thickening and separates from the cell surface.
- This thickening and separation create a new, resistant membranous layer known as the fertilization membrane.

3. Function of Fertilization Membrane:
- One of the primary functions of the fertilization membrane is to prevent multiple fertilizations. Once the fertilization membrane is formed, it acts as a barrier that stops additional sperm from entering the egg, ensuring that only one sperm fertilizes the egg.
