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What is endarch condition? Where is it present?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Endarch Condition:
- The endarch condition refers to the arrangement of primary xylem in vascular bundles. In this condition, the protoxylem (the first-formed xylem) is located towards the center of the vascular bundle, while the metaxylem (the later-formed xylem) is situated towards the periphery.

2. Comparison with Exarch Condition:
- To understand the endarch condition better, it is helpful to compare it with the exarch condition. In the exarch condition, the protoxylem is located at the periphery, and the metaxylem is in the center. This contrast helps in identifying the arrangement of xylem in different plant structures.

3. Presence of Endarch Condition:
- The endarch condition is primarily found in the vascular bundles of roots. In contrast, the exarch condition is typically found in the vascular bundles of stems.

4. Visual Representation:
- When examining the vascular bundles, you can visualize the endarch condition by noting that in roots, the protoxylem is centrally located, surrounded by the metaxylem. This arrangement is crucial for the proper functioning of the plant's vascular system.

5. Conclusion:
- In summary, the endarch condition is characterized by the arrangement of protoxylem towards the center and metaxylem towards the outside, and it is predominantly present in the roots of flowering plants.
