Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

What do you eat in Coconut








Fruit wall

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:3

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Structure of Coconut:
- A coconut is a type of fruit known as a drupe, which has three distinct layers: the exocarp, mesocarp, and endocarp.
- The exocarp is the outermost layer, the mesocarp is the fleshy middle layer, and the endocarp is the hard, woody layer that surrounds the seed.

2. Identifying the Edible Parts:
- The edible part of the coconut is primarily found in the endosperm, which is the nutrient-rich tissue that provides food for the developing embryo.
- The mesocarp is the fibrous part of the coconut, which is not typically consumed directly.

3. Evaluating the Options:
- Option 1: Embryo - This is incorrect because the embryo is not what we eat; it is part of the seed.
- Option 2: Mesocarp - This is also incorrect as the mesocarp is not the edible part; it is the fibrous layer.
- Option 3: Endosperm - This is the correct answer because the endosperm is the part of the coconut that is consumed, including the coconut water and the white flesh.
- Option 4: Fruit Wall - This is incorrect as well; the fruit wall (exocarp) is not eaten.

4. Conclusion:
- The correct answer to the question "What do you eat in coconut?" is the endosperm.

Final Answer:
- We eat the endosperm in a coconut.

