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What are sinuses ?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Definition of Sinuses: Sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities located within the skull. These cavities are lined with mucous membranes and are interconnected.

2. Types of Sinuses: There are several types of sinuses in the human skull, including:
- Frontal Sinus: Located in the forehead region.
- Ethmoid Sinus: Found behind the eyes.
- Sphenoid Sinus: Located behind the nasal cavity.
- Maxillary Sinus: Situated in the cheekbones and is one of the larger sinuses.

3. Size of Sinuses: The size of sinuses can vary; while some are small, the larger sinuses, such as the maxillary sinus, are typically not more than an inch in size.

4. Functions of Sinuses: The primary function of sinuses is believed to be the filtration and humidification of air as it passes through the respiratory system. This is crucial for proper respiratory function.

5. Sinusitis: Sinuses can become inflamed due to various factors, leading to a condition known as sinusitis. This inflammation can be triggered by allergens, cold air, or infections. Symptoms of sinusitis may include pain around the eyes, headaches, fatigue, and discomfort.

6. Conclusion: Sinuses play a significant role in the respiratory system, and their inflammation can lead to various health issues, highlighting their importance in maintaining respiratory health.

