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What are 3 domains of life? Give 2 important features of each domain.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Three Domains of Life:
- The three domains of life are:
1. Bacteria (Eubacteria)
2. Archaea
3. Eukarya

2. Features of Bacteria:
- Prokaryotic Nature: Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms, meaning their cells do not have a defined nucleus.
- Lack of Membrane-Bound Organelles: Bacterial cells do not contain membrane-bound organelles, which is a characteristic feature of prokaryotes.

3. Features of Archaea:
- Prokaryotic Nature: Like bacteria, Archaea are also prokaryotic and lack a nucleus.
- Unique Cell Wall Composition: Archaea have a different composition in their cell walls compared to bacteria, often containing unique lipids and proteins. They are also known to thrive in extreme environments.

4. Features of Eukarya:
- Eukaryotic Nature: Eukarya includes organisms that are eukaryotic, meaning their cells have a defined nucleus.
- Diverse Modes of Nutrition: Eukaryotic organisms exhibit various modes of nutrition, including autotrophic (like plants) and heterotrophic (like animals and fungi).

Summary of the Three Domains and Their Features:
- Bacteria:
- Prokaryotic
- Lack of membrane-bound organelles

- Archaea:
- Prokaryotic
- Unique cell wall composition and ability to live in extreme environments

- Eukarya:
- Eukaryotic
- Diverse modes of nutrition
