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The Prickly pear cactus introduced into Australia in the early 1920's caused havoc by spreading rapidly in to millions of hectares of rangeland because -


There is no competitor


Due to less intra specific competition


Absence of natural predator


Availability of high nutrient

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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understand the Context: The question refers to the introduction of the prickly pear cactus in Australia during the early 1920s and its rapid spread across rangelands.

2. Identify the Problem: The prickly pear cactus caused significant ecological disruption by spreading uncontrollably. We need to determine the reason for this rapid spread.

3. Analyze the Options:
- Option 1: No competitor due to less interspecific competition.
- Option 2: Absence of natural predator.
- Option 3: Availability of high nutrients.

4. Evaluate Each Option:
- Option 1: While competition can affect growth, the primary issue here is not just competition but the lack of control over the cactus population.
- Option 2: The absence of natural predators means that there are no organisms to keep the cactus population in check, allowing it to spread rapidly.
- Option 3: High nutrient availability can support growth, but it does not explain the uncontrolled spread.

5. Conclusion: The most logical explanation for the rapid spread of the prickly pear cactus in Australia is the absence of natural predators. Without natural enemies to limit its growth, the cactus proliferated unchecked.

6. Final Answer: The prickly pear cactus introduced into Australia in the early 1920s caused havoc by spreading rapidly into millions of hectares of rangeland because of the absence of natural predators.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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