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The microsporangiate structure in gymnosperms consist of


Microsporophylls and megasporophylls




Microsporophylls and microsporangia


Male and female strobili

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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understand the Question: The question is asking about the components of the microsporangiate structure in gymnosperms.

2. Identify the Structure: In gymnosperms, the microsporangiate structure is commonly referred to as the male cone.

3. Components of the Male Cone: The male cones consist of two main components:
- Microsporophylls: These are modified leaf-like structures that bear the microsporangia. They can be thought of as bracts that support the reproductive structures.
- Microsporangia: These are the structures within the microsporophylls where microspores are produced.

4. Function of the Microsporangia: The microsporangia undergo meiosis to produce microspores, which eventually develop into pollen grains.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the microsporangiate structure in gymnosperms consists of microsporophylls and microsporangia.

Final Answer:
The microsporangiate structure in gymnosperms consists of microsporophylls and microsporangia.

