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Take one flower each of families Fabaceae and Solanaceae and write its semitechnical description. Also draw their floral diagrams after studying them.

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1. Selection of Flowers:
- From the family Fabaceae, we will take the Garden Pea (Pisum sativum) flower.
- From the family Solanaceae, we will take the Makoi (Solanum nigrum) flower.

2. Semi-Technical Description of Pisum sativum (Garden Pea):
- Type: Bisexual flower (contains both male and female reproductive organs).
- Symmetry: Zygomorphic (bilateral symmetry).
- Whorls:
- Calyx (Sepals): 5 sepals, fused (gamosepalous).
- Corolla (Petals): 5 petals with vexillary estivation (1 posterior petal, 2 lateral standard petals, and 2 fused petals forming a keel).
- Androecium (Stamens): 10 stamens in a diadelphous condition (9 + 1 arrangement).
- Gynoecium (Carpels): 1 monocarpillary superior ovary.

3. Floral Diagram of Pisum sativum:
- Draw a diagram showing:
- 5 fused sepals at the base.
- 5 petals arranged in vexillary estivation.
- 10 stamens with 9 fused and 1 separate.
- A single superior ovary.


4. Semi-Technical Description of Solanum nigrum (Makoi):
- Type: Bisexual flower (contains both male and female reproductive organs).
- Symmetry: Actinomorphic (radial symmetry).
- Whorls:
- Calyx (Sepals): 5 sepals, fused (gamosepalous).
- Corolla (Petals): 5 petals with valvate estivation (touching but not overlapping).
- Androecium (Stamens): 5 stamens, epipetalous (attached to petals).
- Gynoecium (Carpels): 2 bicarpillary ovaries.

5. Floral Diagram of Solanum nigrum:
- Draw a diagram showing:
- 5 fused sepals at the base.
- 5 petals arranged in valvate estivation.
- 5 stamens attached to the petals.
- 2 carpels forming the ovary.


Updated on:18/9/2024

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