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Structure associated with storage of food in alimentary canal of Periplanata









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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Alimentary Canal of Periplaneta (Cockroach):
- The alimentary canal of a cockroach is divided into three main parts: the foregut, midgut, and hindgut.

2. Identifying the Structures:
- The food intake begins at the mouth and passes through several structures:
- Pharynx: The initial part where food is taken in.
- Oesophagus: A narrow passage that connects the pharynx to the next structure.

3. Identifying the Storage Structure:
- After the oesophagus, the food moves into the crop.
- The crop is specifically designed for the storage of food before it moves to the next part of the digestive system.

4. Understanding the Function of the Gizzard:
- Following the crop, the food enters the gizzard (also known as the proventriculus), which is responsible for grinding and churning the food due to its muscular structure and chitinous plates.

5. Conclusion:
- The structure associated with the storage of food in the alimentary canal of Periplaneta is the crop.

Final Answer: The structure associated with storage of food in the alimentary canal of Periplaneta is the crop.

