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State the agents of pollination for the following .

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Pollination:
- Pollination is the process where pollen grains are transferred from the anther (the male part of a flower) to the stigma (the female part of a flower). This is essential for fertilization to occur.

2. Identifying Rafflesia:
- Rafflesia is a unique type of flower known for its large size and is typically found at ground level in forested areas.

3. Determining the Pollination Agent:
- Rafflesia is classified as an "Elinophilus" flower, meaning it is specifically pollinated by elephants.

4. How Pollination Occurs:
- When elephants walk through the forest, they may step on the large flowers of Rafflesia.
- As they step on these flowers, pollen grains from the flower stick to the feet of the elephants.

5. Pollen Transfer:
- When the elephant moves to another Rafflesia flower, the pollen that was attached to its feet can then be transferred to the stigma of the new flower, facilitating pollination.

6. Conclusion:
- Therefore, the agent of pollination for Rafflesia is the elephant, and this specific type of pollination is referred to as "Elinophily".
