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Spirogyra differs from Mucor in having




Uninuclear gametangia




Multicellular gametes.

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The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Organisms: Understand that Spirogyra and Mucor are two different types of organisms. Spirogyra is a green alga, while Mucor is a fungus.

2. Understand Their Classification:
- Spirogyra belongs to the kingdom Plantae (specifically the division Chlorophyta).
- Mucor belongs to the kingdom Fungi (specifically the class Zygomycetes).

3. Reproductive Structures:
- In Spirogyra, the reproductive structures are known as gametangia, which are uninuclear (containing one nucleus).
- In Mucor, the reproductive structures are also called gametangia, but they are multinucleate (containing multiple nuclei).

4. Sexual Reproduction:
- Spirogyra reproduces sexually through the fusion of gametes produced in its uninuclear gametangia.
- Mucor reproduces sexually through the fusion of its multinucleate gametangia, leading to the formation of zygospores.

5. Conclusion: The key difference between Spirogyra and Mucor in terms of their reproductive structures is that Spirogyra has uninuclear gametangia, while Mucor has multinucleate gametangia.

6. Final Answer: Therefore, Spirogyra differs from Mucor in having uninuclear gametangia.

