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Soils best suited for plant growth are








None of the above

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Soil Types: To determine which soils are best suited for plant growth, we need to understand the different types of soils: loamy, clay, and sandy soils.

2. Loamy Soils:
- Loamy soils are a mixture of sand, silt, and clay.
- They typically consist of about 20% clay, 40% silt, and 40% sand.
- This balanced composition provides high nutritional value, which is essential for healthy plant growth.
- Loamy soils have good aeration and drainage, allowing oxygen to reach plant roots effectively.
- They also retain moisture well, which is crucial for plants.

3. Clay Soils:
- Clay soils have very fine particles.
- While they can hold nutrients well, they often have poor drainage and can become waterlogged, which can hinder plant growth.

4. Sandy Soils:
- Sandy soils have larger particles and do not retain moisture well.
- They drain quickly, which can lead to insufficient water for plants, making them less suitable for growth.

5. Conclusion: Based on the analysis, loamy soils are the best suited for plant growth due to their balanced composition, high nutrient content, good aeration, and moisture retention capabilities.

Final Answer: The soils best suited for plant growth are loamy soils.

