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Shell coiling in Linasea is an example


Maternal inheritance


Biparaental inheritance





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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks about shell coiling in Linasea and what type of inheritance it represents.

2. Identifying the Types of Coiling: In Linasea, there are two types of shell coiling:
- Dextral: Right-handed coiling
- Sinistral: Left-handed coiling

3. Genetic Influence on Coiling: The orientation of the shell coiling is determined by the genotype of the mother. This means that the mother's genetic makeup plays a crucial role in deciding the coiling direction of the offspring.

4. Cytoplasmic Contribution: It is important to note that during reproduction, not only the nuclear chromosomes from both parents are passed on to the offspring, but also cytoplasmic contents from the mother. This cytoplasmic content can influence traits in the offspring.

5. Example of Maternal Influence: If a mother has a dextral genotype (right coiling) and the father has a sinistral genotype (left coiling), the offspring will exhibit dextral coiling regardless of the father's genotype. This shows that the mother's genotype solely determines the coiling direction in this case.

6. Conclusion: Since the inheritance of shell coiling in Linasea is determined by the mother's genotype and the cytoplasmic content she provides, this is classified as maternal inheritance or cytoplasmic inheritance.

Final Answer: Shell coiling in Linasea is an example of maternal inheritance or cytoplasmic inheritance.

