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Seed leaf is


Leaf present over the plumule







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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks for the definition or identification of "seed leaf".

2. Identifying the Components of a Seed: A seed consists of several parts, including the seed coat, embryo, radical, plumule, and cotyledons.

3. Defining the Seed Leaf: The term "seed leaf" refers specifically to the cotyledons of the seed. Cotyledons are the first leaves that appear when a seed germinates.

4. Differentiating Between Seed Parts:
- The radical develops into the primary root.
- The plumule develops into the aerial shoot.
- The cotyledons (seed leaves) can be one (monocotyledon) or two (dicotyledon).

5. Understanding the Function of Cotyledons: Cotyledons may serve as storage for food and can also perform photosynthesis.

6. Identifying the Correct Answer: Based on the information, the seed leaf is identified as the cotyledon. The other options (plumule, cleoptile, mesocotyle) do not correspond to the term "seed leaf".

7. Final Answer: Therefore, the correct answer to the question "Seed leaf is" is cotyledon.

