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"Reclamation" and "Little leaf" disease, caused by deficency of


Zn and Mo


Cu and Zn


Cu and B


Mn and Cu

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The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Reclamation Disease:
- Reclamation disease primarily affects crops, especially cereals, and is commonly found in newly reclaimed peat lands.
- The deficiency responsible for this disease is copper. In plants affected by this disease, the leaf tips become chlorotic (yellow) and there is a failure to set seeds.

2. Identifying the Symptoms of Reclamation Disease:
- The key symptoms include:
- Chlorotic leaf tips
- Failure to set seed
- This indicates that copper deficiency is a critical factor in the occurrence of reclamation disease.

3. Understanding Little Leaf Disease:
- Little leaf disease, also known as dwarf leaves, is characterized by the presence of small leaves that often show chlorosis (yellowing).
- This disease is caused by a deficiency of zinc.

4. Identifying the Symptoms of Little Leaf Disease:
- The symptoms include:
- Small leaves
- Chlorosis (yellowing of leaves)
- Necrotic spots or bronzing of the leaves
- This indicates that zinc deficiency is crucial for the manifestation of little leaf disease.

5. Conclusion:
- Based on the analysis of both diseases, reclamation disease is caused by copper deficiency, and little leaf disease is caused by zinc deficiency.
- Therefore, the correct answer from the options provided is "Copper and Zinc."

Final Answer:
The diseases "Reclamation" and "Little Leaf" are caused by the deficiency of Copper and Zinc.

