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Prevention of deterioration of human race through reducing birth rate among defective individuals is


Positive euthenics


Negative euthenics


Negative eugenics


Positive eugenics.

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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding Eugenics: Eugenics is the study of methods aimed at improving the genetic quality of human populations. It involves the application of genetic principles to enhance the human race.

2. Distinguishing Between Positive and Negative Eugenics:
- Positive Eugenics: This approach focuses on encouraging reproduction among individuals with desirable traits. It aims to increase the birth rate of those deemed genetically fit.
- Negative Eugenics: This approach seeks to reduce the birth rate among individuals with undesirable traits or genetic defects. It aims to eliminate harmful genes from the population.

3. Analyzing the Question: The question specifically asks about the prevention of deterioration of the human race through reducing the birth rate among defective individuals. This aligns with the definition of negative eugenics, which aims to eliminate harmful genes by discouraging reproduction among those who carry them.

4. Conclusion: Based on the definitions and the context of the question, the correct answer is negative eugenics.


Updated on:7/8/2024

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    Improvement of human race through hereditary qualities is called

    BHuman heredity
    CHuman demography
  • Question 2 - Select One

    Smoking tobacco causes cancer. It causes small cell and squamous cell cancers of the lung. As well as oral and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, gastrointestinal carcinoma, and cancers of half a doxen additional tissues. It is highly correlated with the second leading cause of death in the United states, and the decision to not smoke reduces one's risk of lung cancer by more than half. this information will surprise no one. it is therefore baffling that 1 in 5 americans continues to use tobacco. yet there is one behavior on the rise that is still more contrary to human health than smoking - and perhaps more inexplicable as wel, as it cannot be exploned away by chemical dependnce, nor by social custom. I speak, of course, of the decision to not vaccinate one's children There is apparently a belief among these erring individuals that the ailments againt which the centers for disease control recommends we vaccinate are somehow less serious than wwe as a society, have been led to believe. there is a belief, moreover, that because these diseases are easily preventable through modern medical science, they must implicity, be easily treatable as well. Let us clarify this matter. Not long before it was eradicated by vaccination, smallpox virus erased entire cultures on two continents, where fatality rates rose as high as 90%. for those who survived, it was a cuase of permanent, often debilitating disfigurement. Prior to the HiBand DTaP vaccines, epiglottitis caused by haemophilus influenzae, and diphtheria caused by corynebacterium diptheriae were both exceedingly common causes of death in young children, largely because of their tendency to develop rapidly and obstruct the airway. Death typically occurs well before medical attention can be caccessed, and thus, in spite of all our modern medical advances these diseases remain just as dire as they were two hunderd ears earlier. We could continue this list. In the past for instance, rubella was the most common cause of congenital deafness, and mumps a major cause of sterillty. children who survived the measles, meanwhile, ran and still run the risk of the virus reemerging years later as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis a frequently fatal infection of the brain. the point, however, is clear vaccination is neither a conspiracy, nor merely a matter of modern convenience, nor is it entirely without risk. But vaccination. Planinly put, is the only effective medical intervention to safeguard our children from some of hte deadliest and most virulent diseases known to man ( PASSAGE 2) let us dispense entirely with the fallacies and the delusion, there is not an analytically credible source on the planet that will defend a link between vaccines and autism spectrum disorder. But for many conscientius parents who choos not to vaccinate their children the decision is based not on delusion, but upon a simple, mathematical reality. philosophically medicine is premised on a blance between beneficence, and nonmaleficence. That is to say, for a medical intervention to be deemed ethical and appropriate, the risk of not treating an individual must always outweigh the risks inherent in the treatment itself. Risk accompanies every medic al interventio, and vaccination is no exception. Specifically, in a certain subset of individuals, exposure to either the gelatin or egg protein components used t stabilize vaccines can result in a life threatening anaphylactic reaction. Additionally, so called live-attenuated vaccines" , including those for varicella, rotavirus, and MMR, contain living strains of their corresponding pathogens that, through genetic modification have been re4ndered pathologically inert. Rarely, these attenuated strains may undergo mutation, and revert back to their pathogenic forms. Immunocompromised individuals, ssuch as those infected with HIV, are particularly at risk for this dangerous outcome while it is true that dadverse vaccine events are uncommon. it is equally true that, within the american population, most diseases against which vacinations protect are uncommon- more uncommon, in fact, than the incidence of adverse vaccine events Thus, so long as the majority of the american population remains vaccinated an unvaccinated individual will be well protected through a phenonenon described as herd immunity. " the decision not to vaccinate, therefore, hangs upon an appreciation of the dynamic balance between beneficence and nonmaleficence as it pertains to the individual. While some may argue that taking advantage of such a strategy violates an ethical obligation to society, one cannot help but wonder, when presented with the numbers, will these individuals truly value the health of society above that of their children? their math , I would wager, just doesn't add up.
    (Q) 22. With respect tot he author's argument as a wholw, lines-1-12 (" Smoking ... tobacco" )

    AShow the obvious absurdity of a personal decision to set up the argument that follows
    Bhighlight the primary topic of the essay.
    Cprovide key statistics on both tobacco and vaccination resarch
    Dillustrate the irrationality of widespread tobacco use given the latest scientific research.
  • Question 3 - Select One

    Smoking tobacco causes cancer. It causes small cell and squamous cell cancers of the lung. As well as oral and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, gastrointestinal carcinoma, and cancers of half a doxen additional tissues. It is highly correlated with the second leading cause of death in the United states, and the decision to not smoke reduces one's risk of lung cancer by more than half. this information will surprise no one. it is therefore baffling that 1 in 5 americans continues to use tobacco. yet there is one behavior on the rise that is still more contrary to human health than smoking - and perhaps more inexplicable as wel, as it cannot be exploned away by chemical dependnce, nor by social custom. I speak, of course, of the decision to not vaccinate one's children There is apparently a belief among these erring individuals that the ailments againt which the centers for disease control recommends we vaccinate are somehow less serious than wwe as a society, have been led to believe. there is a belief, moreover, that because these diseases are easily preventable through modern medical science, they must implicity, be easily treatable as well. Let us clarify this matter. Not long before it was eradicated by vaccination, smallpox virus erased entire cultures on two continents, where fatality rates rose as high as 90%. for those who survived, it was a cuase of permanent, often debilitating disfigurement. Prior to the HiBand DTaP vaccines, epiglottitis caused by haemophilus influenzae, and diphtheria caused by corynebacterium diptheriae were both exceedingly common causes of death in young children, largely because of their tendency to develop rapidly and obstruct the airway. Death typically occurs well before medical attention can be caccessed, and thus, in spite of all our modern medical advances these diseases remain just as dire as they were two hunderd ears earlier. We could continue this list. In the past for instance, rubella was the most common cause of congenital deafness, and mumps a major cause of sterillty. children who survived the measles, meanwhile, ran and still run the risk of the virus reemerging years later as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis a frequently fatal infection of the brain. the point, however, is clear vaccination is neither a conspiracy, nor merely a matter of modern convenience, nor is it entirely without risk. But vaccination. Planinly put, is the only effective medical intervention to safeguard our children from some of hte deadliest and most virulent diseases known to man ( PASSAGE 2) let us dispense entirely with the fallacies and the delusion, there is not an analytically credible source on the planet that will defend a link between vaccines and autism spectrum disorder. But for many conscientius parents who choos not to vaccinate their children the decision is based not on delusion, but upon a simple, mathematical reality. philosophically medicine is premised on a blance between beneficence, and nonmaleficence. That is to say, for a medical intervention to be deemed ethical and appropriate, the risk of not treating an individual must always outweigh the risks inherent in the treatment itself. Risk accompanies every medic al interventio, and vaccination is no exception. Specifically, in a certain subset of individuals, exposure to either the gelatin or egg protein components used t stabilize vaccines can result in a life threatening anaphylactic reaction. Additionally, so called live-attenuated vaccines" , including those for varicella, rotavirus, and MMR, contain living strains of their corresponding pathogens that, through genetic modification have been re4ndered pathologically inert. Rarely, these attenuated strains may undergo mutation, and revert back to their pathogenic forms. Immunocompromised individuals, ssuch as those infected with HIV, are particularly at risk for this dangerous outcome while it is true that dadverse vaccine events are uncommon. it is equally true that, within the american population, most diseases against which vacinations protect are uncommon- more uncommon, in fact, than the incidence of adverse vaccine events Thus, so long as the majority of the american population remains vaccinated an unvaccinated individual will be well protected through a phenonenon described as herd immunity. " the decision not to vaccinate, therefore, hangs upon an appreciation of the dynamic balance between beneficence and nonmaleficence as it pertains to the individual. While some may argue that taking advantage of such a strategy violates an ethical obligation to society, one cannot help but wonder, when presented with the numbers, will these individuals truly value the health of society above that of their children? their math , I would wager, just doesn't add up.
    (Q) 31. The respective attitudes of the authors of passage 1 and passage 2 toward parents who choose not to vaccinate their children are best described as

    Ahatred and appreciation
    Bforgiveness and intolerance
    Cloathing and gratitude
    Dcontempt and undrstanding