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Potometer is a device used for measuring rate of




Ascent of sap




Phloem transport

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Potometer: A potometer is a scientific instrument used to measure the rate of water uptake in plants, particularly in leafy shoots. It is also referred to as a transpirometer.

2. Function of the Potometer: The primary function of a potometer is to measure how much water a plant absorbs. This absorption rate is closely related to the rate at which water is lost from the plant through transpiration.

3. Transpiration Process: Transpiration is the process by which water vapor is lost from the plant's leaves to the atmosphere. This process is essential for maintaining the plant's water balance and facilitating the uptake of nutrients from the soil.

4. Types of Potometers: There are two main types of potometers:
- Bubble Potometer: This type uses air bubbles to measure the rate of water uptake.
- Mass Potometer: This type measures the change in mass of the plant to determine water loss.

5. Conclusion: Based on the function of the potometer and its relationship to transpiration, we can conclude that the potometer is primarily used to measure the rate of transpiration in plants.

Final Answer: Potometer is a device used for measuring the rate of transpiration.

