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Otolith organ consists of


Three semicircular canals


Saccule and utricle


Organ of Corti


Crista ampullaris

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Otolith Organ: The otolith organ is a component of the vestibular system, which is responsible for maintaining balance and spatial orientation.

2. Identifying the Components: The otolith organ consists of two main structures:
- Saccule: This is one of the two otolith organs, which detects vertical movements and changes in head position.
- Utricle: This is the other otolith organ, which detects horizontal movements and changes in head position.

3. Conclusion: Therefore, the otolith organ is made up of the saccule and the utricle.

4. Final Answer: The correct answer to the question "Otolith organ consists of" is saccule and utricle.

