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Name the cell division that takes place during gametogenesis. What is its significance ?

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Identify the Type of Cell Division:
The cell division that takes place during gametogenesis is meiosis.

2. Define Gametogenesis:
Gametogenesis is the biological process that leads to the formation of gametes, which are the reproductive cells (sperm and eggs in animals).

3. Explain the Significance of Meiosis:
- Reduction of Chromosome Number: Meiosis reduces the chromosome number by half, resulting in haploid cells (gametes). This is crucial for maintaining the species' chromosome number across generations when fertilization occurs.
- Genetic Variation: Meiosis introduces genetic variation through processes such as crossing over and independent assortment. This variation is important for evolution and adaptation.
- Formation of Gametes: Meiosis specifically produces gametes that are essential for sexual reproduction, allowing for the combination of genetic material from two parents.
- Developmental Activation: Meiosis activates genetic information necessary for the development of gametes, ensuring that they are capable of participating in fertilization.

- The cell division that occurs during gametogenesis is meiosis.
- Its significance includes the reduction of chromosome number, introduction of genetic variation, formation of gametes, and activation of genetic information for development.

